License #ACO697
Insured, Licensed and Bonded
Serving Southern California
Estimates are always FREE!

Experience and Technology At Its Finest ~
MDS Alarm

Multi-Dimensional Systems, Inc.

Additional Information
What to expect When
the Power Goes Out
Your keypad will start beeping and show a trouble light.
On most systems, whatever state your alarm system was in (armed or disarmed) when the power goes off it will remain in that state when the power comes back on.
You can expect your alarm system to run on the system back-up battery for approximately 4-8 hours - assuming your battery is in good condition.
Once power is restored, your battery will need to re-charge. Give your system up to 8 hours to do so. Once re-charged, the trouble light on your keypad will go out.
f your trouble light does not go out, you may need a new battery. Batteries should be replaced every 4-5 years.
What to Expect When
the Telephone Lines Go Down
Whether due to a inexperienced telephone service technician, bad weather, flooding rain, cancelling a telephone number, changing providers or someone actually cutting your phone line... YOUR SYSTEM WILL NOT REPORT to central station without an active landline phone number. Your alarm will work as a "local bell", which means it will sound, but it will not report a signal to central station. In this case there will be no dispatch or responsible party notifications. Your keypad will show a yellow trouble light and will beep every 2 seconds until the trouble is acknowledged and then corrected. Each of those get re-activated differently. If you require any service from a telephone provider, be pro- active and test your alarm system BEFORE the technician leaves your premise or after any changes in providers, plans, services and even adding internet services. If your phone lines are down due to bad weather and heavy rains, there isn't anything that can be done except wait for the ground to dry out and the rain to stop. If you would like information on our wireless back-up radios, please contact our office and someone will be happy to assist you..
For the MASWeb End User
Daily Timer Test:
This feature provides daily test signals to central station.
Open/Close Log Report:
This feature provides a log of all signals received.
Full Supervision:
This feature provides a log of all signals received, and alerts you of any and all opens/closes outside of your schedule.
Back-Up Wireless Cellular Radio:
This feature allows you to back up your phone line or can take place of your phone line.
Auto Notification (Burg. only):
Automatically be notified of any burglary signals via your cell phone or email.
Auto Notification:
In conjuction with open/close reporting, auto-notification is a feature that will notifiy you of any and all signals received.
Allows you to arm/disarm your security system via your iPhone/Android Phone or internet connection.
Why are False Alarms a Problem?
False alarms take police and fire departments away from real emergency situations.
False alarms can irritate neighbors to a point where they start to ignore alarms.
False alarms make your security system less reliable and credible.
False alarms may make you reluctant to arm your system.
False alarms are expensive!
What Can I Do to Help Prevent False Alarms?
Make sure you have been fully trained and are comfortable with the operation of your alarm.
Keep all Pets, Balloons, Automatic Fans/Heaters or Signs at least 10-15 feet away from Motion Detectors.
Know how to cancel a false alarm.
Know Your Account #, Central Station phone #, and your alarm service company's phone #.
Understand low batteries may be the cause of fantom false alarms.
Bad weather conditions can also trigger a false alarm.
Building defects such as loose fitting doors and/or windows, rodents, or inadequate power can also cause false alarms.
What is a Responsible Party?
A Responsible Party (RP) is a individual you designate to be responsible for your residence or business in the case your alarm goes off. If the alarm monitoring center receives an alarm signal or trouble condition and is unable to make contact at the premises, the Police and/or Fire authorities will be dispatched.
A Responsible Party is then contacted and may be requested to meet Police/Fire at the premise to allow them access to turn off the alarm system and secure the premises if necessary.
A Responsible Party Should...
Be able to be reached by phone 24 hours a day by authorities and Central Station
Have sufficient knowledge to arm and disarm your security system.
Know what needs to be done in case of a burglary, fire alarm, or other emergency.
Who Should I Choose?
It's a good idea to have at least 1 person that has a key. A friend, relative or employee that is trustworthy. Someone who lives and/or works in close proximity of the premises. Or, an individual who is not likely to move in the near future.
important information about testing your alarm
1. Call Central Station at 866-714-6664. Put your account on "test" for 1 hour.
2. Press and hold in the medical button on your keypad for 2-3 seconds, until it beeps, and then release. (medical is silent so your alarm siren will not sound.)
3. Call Central Station back and ask for test results.
1. Call Central Station at 866-714-6664. Put your account on "test" for 1 hour.
2. Arm your alarm system as if you were leaving for the day. Wait for about 10-15 minutes.
3. Enter your premise as usual, DON'T enter your code into the keypad.
4. Walk around the premise tripping all zones, open all doors/windows, walk by all motion detectors.
5. When satisfied you hit all zones... enter your code.
6. Call Central Station and ask for test results.
Please remember that your alarm transmits signals via your landline telephone service. Test your alarm system communication BEFORE any telephone service technician leaves your premise. Changing telephone services, providers, adding, changing or removing features or telephone numbers can interrupt the communication of your alarm system. If you ever see a trouble light on your keypad, immediately call MDS alarm for troubleshooting remedies


Notify MDS Alarm for important additional instructions for any of the following.:
* Hanging Drywall, Painting or Plastering
* Installing/Removing Flooring or Wallpaper * Installing New Doors and/or Windows
* Fumigating
* Installing air conditioning or insulation
* Installing skylights or ceiling fans Dust from
remodeling may set off fire/ smoke alarms.
All smoke detectors need to be protected and covered.

As the owner of a propety that is being listed for sale which includes an alarm system, there are several issues that you should be aware of. It is the responsibility of the alarm owner to insure that everyone who has access to the property is versed in how to use the alarm system, has the proper code to turn the alarm on and off, and has the phone number, password and ability to call the alarm company to cancel the call if the alarm is accidentally activated. To prevent problems, it is highly recommended that as the owner of the property you contact MDS and advise that your property is for sale and realtors will be entering and leaving the property at times when you are not present. Provide your cellular phone number and request that not only to call the premise but to call your cell before dispatching police. After your home is sold, you MUST notify MDS so we can de-program your alarm panel. If your phone line is still active, we can remotely de-program your alarm panel and cancel your account. If no phone line, we need to schedule a technician to do the de-programming. It only takes about 5 minutes to complete. De-programming entails taking your information and that of MDS out of your alarm panel so signals will not report to our central station. Remember you are responsible for the account and the alarm until you are cancelled and deprogrammed. If this step is not completed and someone plugs in your system, all of those emergency signals are still going to be routed to our central station... in your name. False alarm charges can be expensive... and the police and fire departments will find you and make you pay. Don't have problems when you move... Call MDS to de-program. It's IMPORTANT!

Multi-Dimensional Systems, Inc. DBA MDS Alarm Systems 1979
All Rights Reserved